Middle Grade Clinical Radiologist:Permanent Opportunity in London

Job Ref:

I am delighted to present this superb opportunity for career progression to all Middle grade Radiologists!!!

The duties will include all those duties normally expected of a Speciality Doctor in a similar sized Radiology department in the United Kingdom.

The majority of the appointee’s time will be spent on clinical duties, particularly providing cover for anticipated leave of Consultant(s).

In addition the appointee will be expected to take part in the formal teaching and on-going audit programmes within the directorate as well as a full range of management duties commensurate with this role.

Are you the most suitable doctor to?

Demonstrate leadership through positive role modelling and team working.

Provide a Radiology service as a member of the Directorate. This may be across both sites depending on Directorate service requirements.

Assume a continuous commitment for the care of patients,in consultation with colleagues, that adequate arrangements are made for leave and off duty periods.

Promote high professional standards of clinical care for patients, both through direct patient care and by the maintenance of continuing professional development.

Work independently and under Consultant supervision as appropriate, and supervise others.

Take an active role in the management and organisation of the directorate including contributing to teaching, research and audit.

In detail the duties will include:-

a) Provision of Diagnostic Radiology Services to the standard of a Senior Specialist Registrar, with consultant supervision as necessary.
b) Independent performance and interpretation of imaging studies in the following modalities: plain film, contrast studies, ultrasound.
c) Supervised interpretation of cross-sectional imaging studies, and supervised performance of non vascular intervention. It is anticipated that the degree of consultant supervision required will gradually reduce as experience is gained.

d) Management of the department to maintain efficient and timely patient flow with specific reference to both local and national targets.
e) Assist consultant staff in maintaining staffing levels including covering short term sickness
f) Close liaison with nursing, medical and radiographic staff to ensure patient care is maintained and all trust policies and procedures are adhered to.
g) The appointee will be required to take an active role in the teaching of junior doctors and be involved in the training of all staff, and to take an active role in teaching and audit.
h) Other duties which may be allocated by senior staff to ensure the proper care of patients and management of the departments.
i) Support, teaching and experience will be provided for career development as appropriate
3. Continuing Professional Development
Specialty Doctors are expected to keep up to date in terms of their knowledge and the skills and techniques relevant to the duties of the post, maintain registration with the General Medical Council and also to attain the CPD required by the Royal College of Radiologists. Built into the job plan is one session of Supporting Professional Activity (SPA) time per week. This should be similar in content to those of the speciality doctors and agreed with the educational supervisor. The content of this time should be part of the specialty doctors yearly appraisal and would include audit, CPD, local clinical governance activities, training and formal teaching including preparatory work, appraisals and job planning.
The doctor will be encouraged to take study leave to fulfil the requirements of Continuing Medical Education (CME). The amount of study leave will be in accordance with nationally agreed Terms and Conditions. Approval for study leave will be dependant on clinical cover being available for both departments and should be applied for in accordance with trust guidelines with approval obtained from the Clinical Director and rota master at least 6 weeks prior to the proposed leave.
4. Accountability Arrangements
The clinical structure within the directorate is led by the Clinical Director and the post holder is ultimately responsible to the Medical Director of the trust via the Clinical Director. All Specialty Doctors will have a nominated Consultant of the directorate nominated as their Educational Supervisor. The CD and ES will provide the support necessary for the doctor to fulfil their clinical duties and job plan, including performing annual appraisals.
5. Leave
Annual and Study Leave will be available in accordance with National Terms and Conditions. A minimum of six weeks notice must be provided, and granting of leave is conditional on adequate staffing being available to maintain service cover.
6. Scheduling of Commitments
The post is currently 10 pa’s. Any amendment to this will be subject to mutual agreement between the appointee and the Trust. It is anticipated that the Specialty Doctor will be asked to participate in the Middle Grade on call rota, with remuneration as per National Terms and Conditions.
7. Salary
The salary scale will be on the nationally agreed Specialty Doctor scale.

Are you able to meet the essential qualifications for this role?

MC ChB or equivalent Higher qualification

Previous Employment:

Minimum of four years at middle grade level in Clinical Radiology


A career directed towards Clinical Radiology with the ability to initiate appropriate initial management in common emergencies
Experience in posts other than Radiology
Attendance at appropriate professional meetings and courses.


Experience in audit
IT and computing skills. Previous participation in a management role.

Evidence of participation in and commitment to, teaching. The ability to train and supervise junior medical staff and medical students.

Research/ Publications:

Evidence of research with relevant publications in the speciality.

Communication skills:

Able to communicate and liaise effectively with patients, relatives and with colleagues in all disciplines. Written communication in a clear manner.


Proven ability to work as a team player in a multi-disciplinary team.

Leadership skills:

Ability to lead when appropriate.

Proven ability to make effective use of time and resources.


Evidence of high personal motivation and resilience.

I am looking forward to hearing from you and promis ethe most outstanding benefits:

***Excellent Salary
***Pension Scheme
***Assisted Accommodation
***Career Advancement
***Study Leave
***Annual Leave

Please call Triple West Medical asap:TEL:0845 074 0614

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